Separated and want to travel overseas with your child?
Overseas travel with a child or children after separation can lead to stress and anxiety. This may be due to concerns that a child will not be returned, or frustration when it is difficult to obtain one parent’s consent for a child to travel for a family holiday or life experience.
Protecting business interests in family law proceedings
Family law issues can be disruptive to a business entity, with the potential to adversely affect its activities, cashflow, and financial viability. Problems can stem from a relationship breakdown between domestic co-owners, or the divorce or separation of a third-party business partner or shareholder.
Family law and the family home – your options after separating
If you have separated from your spouse or de facto partner, deciding what to do about the family home can raise a whirlwind of emotions. Many memories are often attached to the family home – good and bad – and while some may want to retain the home and all the sentiment that goes with it, others may want nothing more than to move on.
Surrogacy – what you need to know
Surrogacy is the process involving a substitute mother bearing a child on behalf of another person or persons. Altruistic surrogacy arrangements are legal in Australia and can provide benefits for all concerned. Those unable to conceive are given the opportunity to parent a child and the birth mother brings that child into the world.
How binding is a Binding Financial Agreement?
A financial agreement is a contract that deals with the division of a couple's assets after they separate, or in the event that they separate. They may be made before or during a marriage or de-facto relationship, or after it breaks down.
Common Family Law Fallacies
If you’re in the unfortunate situation of going through a break-up you have probably heard all sorts of ‘advice’ from well-meaning friends and family.
The importance of financial advice in a family law property settlement
Most property settlements are reached through negotiation, without the need to attend Court. Agreements reached can then be formally documented through means including a binding financial agreement or consent orders. As a last resort, the parties may need to initiate Court proceedings whereby orders will be made regarding the division of the parties’ property. No matter how a property settlement is reached, it is important to be aware of the financial impact of the proposed agreement before finalising it. Family lawyers often recommend working with a financial advisor to ensure a property settlement delivers an optimum financial outcome for the client. We explain below some of the benefits in working collaboratively with a financial advisor and lawyer.
The family business and property settlements – the importance of valuations
Separating couples involved in a family law property settlement are often under emotional and financial pressure. When one or both parties are involved in a business, this can add additional stress and complexity to the division of property. A business interest, whether held individually or jointly, through a partnership, company or trust, forms part of the asset pool and must be accounted for when dividing property. A formal valuation for the business can help provide clarity and assist the parties to negotiate a financial settlement.
We’re still friends, why do we need a ‘legal’ property settlement?
Many couples separate on amicable terms or may put aside their differences sufficiently enough to resolve matters between them pragmatically. They may then choose to make informal arrangements regarding the division of their property. However, the failure to legally document a property settlement is almost always unwise for many reasons, not least of which is that either party remain open to pursue an outcome through the Family Court.